Our Hostel
Hostel Rules and Regulations for the Students
A Student pursuing his / her studies at Delhi Public School, Gangtok, may reside in Hostel, owned and maintained by the school management, during the studentship. The rules and regulations are framed to ensure that the hostel property is protected, student staying in the hostel is comfortable in a conducive environment for healthy living and discipline is maintained amongst the inmates. The students residing in the hostel are required to abide by these Rules and Regulations –
General Rules
- Boarders are not allowed to keep valuables, jewellery and any other articles, which are not approved by the school authorities. Students are not permitted to keep any money or cash with them during their stay in the Hostel and are also not allowed to make any cash purchase. All purchases are to be done through the procedure prescribed by the hostel council.
- Room furniture, electric fittings, etc. are required to be maintained by the inmates in good condition. At the time of allotment of room and leaving the hostel for the vacation, every student must take-over and hand-over, respectively, the hostel property carefully.
- Students must NOT keep with them laptop, mobile, I-pod, CD players, razors, blades, heaters, kettles, irons, headphones, immersion rod and motorized vehicle.
- Students must NOT bring to the Boarding drugs of any type, tobacco in any form or alcohol. Any student found with such items will be asked to be withdrawn from the school immediately.
- Boarders must remain, and study in their respective rooms/dorms or class rooms during study time as directed by the authority.
- Boarders must take part in all the educational activities arranged by the school or hostel.
- Any wilful damage to or theft of school property or other’s property will be regarded as a breach of School / Hostel rules and the student would be fined by School Authorities.
- The Campus Administrator / Hostel Wardens/ or any other Officials of the School along with Security Guards may at their discretion inspect /check any room or student’s belongings in the presence of the students living there in any time of the day or night.
- Ragging and bullying of any kind are severely punishable and may lead to expulsion from the institute. As such, students are advised not to indulge in any such activity. No one is permitted to subject any other student to any kind of ill-treatment, either physical or mental.
- Any child involved in any immoral act is liable to be expelled without warning, and there will be no reconsideration whatsoever. There will be no refund of fee in such cases. Furthermore, Principal or the disciplinary committee may not assign any reason for doing so.
- Students are not permitted to possess any sordid reading/viewing material.
- No student is permitted to buy, sell or exchange goods or lend or borrow money from each other or from the staff. Nor are they allowed to do so with any outsider especially when they go for outings from the school.
- The change of status from boarder to day scholar will not be entertained in the mid-session.
- All students must report on the given date after the vacation / leave etc., In case of any emergency, written request giving detailed reasons, should be provided by the parents to the Principal, and a written permission must be obtained to condone the delay in arrival.
- Laundry is given on the days notified by the competent authority. It will be washed, pressed and returned to the Boarders as approved by the hostel council. In case of loss or damage, the Boarders must inform the laundry personnel immediately. The complaint could also be entered in the complaint book provided in the hostel.
- Rules may be changed without prior information to the parents and students. Parents/guardians seeking admission for their ward should carefully read the rules and regulations of the school, as well as hostel. Lack of knowledge of rules and regulations can’t be accepted as an excuse.
Rules for Parents/Guardians
- Parents/guardians are not permitted to meet the boarders, without the permission of the Principal. They will be allowed to meet the students only on prescribed days. During school hours, parents/guardians are not allowed to visit their wards.
- Due to security reasons, only parents / guardians whose photographs are kept in an authorized register at the hostel are permitted to visit the students and take them on long weekends. Therefore, parents are requested to hand over their photographs, details with phone numbers of theirs and the authorised guardians to the school office.
- If during the course of a session a student needs to go home, he/she must obtain permission from the Principal in the form of a Leave Request and provide a written request sent by the concerned parents to the administration, giving the valid reason. In this regard, the school’s leave policy will be observed. Local Parents can take their wards on weekends and send them back on Sunday evening. Avoid taking them on all the weekends. They can find difficulty in adjusting in the hostel.
- No permissions will be granted to any student living in hostel for spending night out on weekends unless the parent themselves are available in the town and the student living in hostel stays with them.
- Parents are advised not to contact the students during mandatory study hours.
- Any application for attending marriages, functions or any other events during the school term will not be entertained, unless it pertains to the parents or siblings. Written permission in this regard must be obtained in time. No messages over the telephone will be accepted in this regard.
- Parents should not supply medicines to the students, unless, specially advised by the family doctor. These must be handed over to the house sister/brother along with instruction/prescription regarding its administration. Such medicines are to be administered entirely at the cost and responsibility of the parents.
- The parents are advised to meet their wards on second Saturdays of the month. In case of emergency, the parents or guardian may be allowed to meet with the prior written permission of the Principal. Parent’s visits on other days will not be allowed.
- Children will not be allowed to go with the drivers unless proper authority letter with photograph attested by the Principal is carried by him.
- On school holidays (Summer Vacation, Winter Vacation, Puja etc) students are not allowed to remain in the hostel without a genuine reason, however, in special cases a student may remain in the hostel if he/she has the written consent of the competent authority. This privilege could be revoked any time.
- Parents desiring to send any item to their ward should either deliver the same to the Warden or his/her nominee personally. Nothing should be delivered to the boarder directly.
- We have infirmary with a trained nurse and tie up with nearby hospitals during emergency but however, if a doctor has been called in the hostel and various tests have been advised by the Doctor then the expenses incurred will have to be borne by the parents.
Rules for Hostellers
- Boarders must remain, and study in their respective rooms/dorms or class rooms during study time as directed by the competent authority.
- The lights-off time will be notified later on and the students are expected to abide by the rule.
- Boarders are expected to behave well in public, and represent their school with pride.
- During study hours, all students must devote their time to academic preparation in the study room. Silence is mandatory.
- Students must work independently, unless they are allowed for a group study session with in full knowledge of house brother/sister. Group study sessions will happen in common areas and not in individual rooms.
- Students are expected to utilize the time fruitfully by spending the allotted time in studying. They must not waste this time in room or taking shower.
- Taps in bathroom/toilets must be closed, whenever they are not in use. Fans and lights must be switched off whenever the students leave their rooms. They must switch off all lights, when they go to bed. In case it is noticed that the fans/lights are on in the bolted room, a penalty will be imposed for wasting the precious energy.
- Cleanliness and Hygiene: - All students are expected to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. Daily bath and personal cleanliness are essential. Students are to tidy up their own rooms, beds and cupboards.
- The student shall take prior permission of the Warden /Campus Administrator for celebrating any festivals and birthdays. Birthday celebration should be done at a common place there should not be any kind of discomfort to other students. No outside guest or interference of any kind will be allowed.
- Any boarder falling sick, will report to the house brother/sister, who will record the action taken, in the sick register. It should be signed both by the student and house master.
- Physical exercise, meditation, sports, games, yoga and other relaxation techniques are compulsory for all boarders, unless exempted by the competent authority. Separate schedule may be fixed for boys and girls, depending upon their class.
- They are not allowed to wear any kind of studs or rings on the eye brows, chin, ears, nose etc.
- Students are not allowed to wear low waist trousers or skirts or narrow bottom trousers. No bracelets, fancy pendants or amulets are to be worn by the students.
Mess Rules for Hostellers
- Mess menu will be designed by the hostel management committee normally on term basis, in consultation with mess manager and approval of the Principal. The menu shall be displayed in the dining hall of the hostel.
- The students should strictly observe the prescribed mess timings. Late food/breakfast will be served only in exceptional cases, with prior consent of the mess manager.
- On request from sick students, separate food will be prepared in mess and will be served in his/her room, if so required.
- Wastage of food in the mess must be avoided.
- Mess utensils are not to be taken out of the dining hall.
- Mess is operated with limited staff and during peak hours, it is observed that it becomes difficult to cater to the demands of all the students dining at a time. The students should, therefore, wait patiently for their turn to be served. Mess manager will take care to serve the students effectively during peak hours.
Fees Deposits and Advances
- Fees have to be deposited within the stipulated period.
- Payment of fee and other dues should be made only to the school office.
- Except for the routine payments and charges notified by the Principal, no additional payment should be made without a circular from the Principal. For any deposit contrary to this, school will not be responsible.
- No cash is given to the students for the purchase of stationery or other items from school canteen or tuck shop or from anywhere outside. Cash can be given to the Warden; students can collect it from Warden as per requirement. Written record has to be maintained.
Guidelines for Visitors
Restricted AccessOutsiders, including non-parents and non local guardians, are not allowed inside the hostel premises at any time. This ensures the security and privacy of the hostellers.
Parent Visitation HoursParents are allowed to meet their wards only on Sundays between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Any visit outside these hours is not permitted unless authorized by the hostel warden or management.
Authorized Visitors OnlyNo visitors other than parents or local guardians are allowed to meet the hostellers. All visitors must be registered and approved by the hostel management in advance.
Outings with Parents or GuardiansParents or local guardians may take their wards on outings between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Sundays and public holidays. Outings outside of these hours are not allowed unless previously authorized by the hostel management.
Visitor RegistrationAll visitors, including parents and local guardians, must register at the hostel reception upon arrival and departure. Visitors should present a valid ID and provide the reason for the visit.
Duration of VisitsVisits are restricted to a reasonable duration to avoid disrupting the routine of the hostel. Long visits or extended stays will not be allowed.
No Overnight StaysVisitors, including parents and local guardians, are not allowed to stay overnight in the hostel premises under any circumstances. Overnight visits require prior approval from hostel authorities.
Behaviour and Conduct of VisitorsVisitors must adhere to the school’s code of conduct while on the premises. Any visitor engaging in inappropriate behaviour will be asked to leave immediately, and future visits may be prohibited.